Freitag, 16. August 2013

ICF Group - Ecological Land-based Seafood Production Facilities (RAS System)

We develop alternative investments (SRS Socially Responsible & Sustainable Projects). Especially in the areas of Bio-Technology (some partners: LED and Nano Technology),
decentralized production of electricity with solar power and innovative concepts for urban planning and infrastructure.

A large part of the projects are ready to finance and are in negotiations with funding institutions.

Our EEP European Expansion Plan for ecological land-based seafood production facilities in the field of alternative, healthy and sustainable food ("The Blue Revolution")
contains the world's leading remote access technology (RAS Recycling Aquaculture System). Our partner companies have track record and international experience.

Our financial model is aimed at renowned investment partners from the insurance industry, pension funds and institutional investors.
In addition, there are good contacts with leading private equity firms, venture capital and hedge fund donors.
Similarly to government agencies that want to accompany us with direct investments.

We guarantee, in cooperation with major banks long yields, which are protected by escrow accounts.

Let´s Do Now ! Create Our Future!

The cosmic power gives us everything we need. All is in motion. There are many challenges. Therefore we go the new way to another era. Solar, wind, hydro, geo-thermal, nutrition of marine research.
We specialize in integrated ecological-economic concepts and solutions for urban development (new forms of life in communities), for alternative energy, indoor aquaculture and agriculture.

The Chance to Recreate Jobs in Seafood Industry on Large Scale

“Aquaculture, not the Internet, represents the most promising investment opportunity of the 21st Century”
Peter Drucker, management expert, economist and Nobel laureate

We rely on agriculture to feed our world, and agriculture includes aquaculture. Overfished oceans, an increasing world population, and the health benefits of eating fish are convincing
reasons that a quaculture is an emerging industry.

Investing in technologies, processes and businesses that can help us feed people is not only smart, it’s inevitable.
But aquaculture is justified only when it proposes a sustainable solution for protein supply which respects the living environment and natural resources.

Therefore the priority goal is to reduce dependency from Asian imports, where aquaculture is accompanied with heavy environmental pollution. For Europeans it must be a strong
concern to support and develop a new and sustainable technology of aquaculture instead of driving an Asia export economy which is linked with the destruction of habitats.

We will promote healthy seafood made in EU which distinguishes itself from the highly charged one from Asia mainly farmed under the use of harmful chemicals.
European consumers should be sure to have a protein source that supports a healthy lifestyle without threats.

Now there is the opportunity and the obligation to establish a sustainable aquaculture in the EU which is driven by research and environmental friendly technology, resulting in high efficient farming with minimal use of resources, high relevance of animal welfare and natural environments.

With RAS technology, Europe has the chance to become a leader in ecological aquaculture.
In order to extend leadership through innovation it is essential to implement further research. Thus, sustainable market entry barriers to third´s countries imports will be created, whereas competitiveness with conventional farming practices will ensure the meeting of European demand.

We have the chance to recreate jobs in European seafood industry on large scale, and to generate value within the EU, instead of empowering aquaculture in Asia.

Regional purchasing power will be increased in tandem with value creation, income, and living standards.

Fish of this Millenium

Fish of this Millenium



Tilapia Facility T 3.500

Tilapia Facility T 3.500
3.500 Tons Annually

Tilapia Facility T 950

Tilapia Facility T 950
950 Tons Annually

Facility Layout P

Facility Layout P

Facility Layout B

Facility Layout B

Shrimp Facility Layout S 450

Shrimp Facility Layout S 450
450 Tons Annually

The Right Innovators and Investors

“The confluence of declining wild fish stocks, increasing world seafood demand, problems with conventional aquaculture and the emergence of new technologies are propelling sustainable aquaculture forward.

Sustainable aquaculture offers many economic and product benefits such as consistent harvest, scalable operations, lower transportation costs for locally produced seafood, and containment free products. For the right innovators and investors, there are enormous commercial opportunities."

Watershed Capital, Cleantech Investment Insight 2010


Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Technology Is The Most Promising Next Generation

The gap between the supply of seafood from wild fisheries and growing consumer demand is extremely widening.

Three factors dominate: finite natural production, growing affluence and purchase power in countries with traditional high levels of seafood consumption, and increasing consumption in Europe.

While aquaculture is expected to fill the growing demand, conventional aquaculture methods have problems, including the wide use of antibiotics and pesticides to fight disease;
the necessity of using of wild caught fish for fish meal to feed farmed species; contaminants from fishmeal; and limited coastal waters available for aquaculture. The problems facing
conventional aquaculture will limit its ability to meet rising demand.

RAS Aquaculture offers great potential to fill this gap. All the major seafood markets, especially the US and Europe, are demanding traceability, environmental certification, and quality guarantees.

RAS systems may present many apparent advantages including reduced land and water use, strict water quality control, lower environmental impact, higher biosecurity and better control of waste production as compared to other production systems.

Above all it is seafood free of any pollutants, in contrary to wild and conventional seafood often containing containments like mercury, PCBs or other containments.

RAS grows fish in large quantities “indoors” under controlled conditions.


ICF`s Vision

ICF Group is pursuing the goal of becoming a leading aquaculture producer of Tilapia and other species with production in a land based, highly controlled, Recirculating Aquaculture System in order to deliver high quality seafood that is:

Sustainably produced in an environmentally friendly, disease controlled and bio secure operation;

- Domestically produced in close proximity to large populations of consumers of high value seafood in the EU for delivery of very fresh products; added value smoked seafood.

- Delivered regularly, all year round, at competitive prices.

Tilapia has the potential to be the most economically produced food fish grown for fillets in the EU.

ICF Group is planning to sustainably and profitably produce Tilapia that is:

rich in proteins, high in niacin, vitamin B12 and Selenium and healthy omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA,

Fed with feed that is regularly tested and contains undetectable levels (less than 5 ppb) of total PCBs,

Regularly tested for mercury and PCB content, grown without using antibiotics, hormones, dyes .

EU President Barroso: Message to FAO Council

"The European Commission has always been at the forefront in the fight against hunger and malnutrition," underlined President Barroso in a video message for the 143rd Session of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Council.

He stressed that alone the European Commission allocates about €800 million a year to agriculture, food security, territorial planning and rural development, which are focal sectors of the Commission's work in more than 40 countries worldwide.

President Barroso: "In our 21st century world, it is simply unacceptable that human beings remain hungry. The international community must redouble its efforts to ensure that the most basic of human needs – access to food – is not a luxury, but a fact of life for us all."

How is Aquaculture?

How is Aquaculture?
Prognosis: A Huge Potential